You are here: Alt Configuration > Alt Playbook > Chapter 2 - Discover & Design > Creating the Tenant and Organization Setup

Creating the Tenant and Organization Setup

Once the contract is signed, the first step which is required from a system design perspective is to get the set up initiated. Below checklist captures all the details which are required in order to proceed ahead with the same:

S.No. Checklist Items Mandatory/Non-Mandatory Details Required
1. Signed Contract Copy or Signed LOI along with Setup Invoice Yes To be filled by customer
2. Tenant Name Yes To be filled by customer
3. Contract Signed Date/ Effective Date Yes To be filled by customer
4. Customer Name Yes To be filled by customer
5. Customer Employee Count Yes To be filled by customer
6. Address Line Yes To be filled by customer
7. Country Yes To be filled by customer
8. State Yes To be filled by customer
9. District Yes To be filled by customer
10. City Yes To be filled by customer
11. Pin code Yes To be filled by customer
12. Contact Person Email ID (Customer End) Yes To be filled by customer
13. Sector of the Customer Yes To be filled by customer
14. User Name (E-code, Office Email ID) Yes To be filled by customer
15. URL for Employee Portal Yes To be filled by customer
16. URL for OB Portal (Only for OB module) No To be filled by customer
17. Scope Agreed (Name of the modules) No To be filled by customer
18. Company Logo (259x50 px) Yes To be filled by customer
19. Background Image (Login Page - 2732x1536 px) No To be filled by customer
20. User name for admin No To be filled by customer
21. Sign off from Alt Product Implementation Head Yes To be filled by customer